Englannissa majaileva (hölynpöly)tomittaja Eliot Higginsin luoma net- tisivusto Belllingcat väittää ratkaisseensa kaikki suuret kansaiväliset rikosmysteerit Malesialaisten Boing-matkuatajakoneiden putoamisis- ta ja katoamisista Syyrian kaasuiskuihin ja Englannin loikkariagenttien myrkytystapauksiin.
Yhteistä kaikille ”Koristekissan” ”saavutuksille” on kolme seikkaa: muka ARMOTON ”moukantuuri”, näennäiset ”perstuntumaselviöt” (muual- ta hyvinpedattu disinformaatio) ”todistusmentelmänä”, paikkoihin ja tilanteisiin ja henkilöihin nähden uskomattoman edistynyt NASA-ta- soinen informaatioteknologia,erityisesti vakoilusellainen – ja huijaus-
… ja ennen kaikkea muuta aina sama ”syyllinen ja suurroisto” – PUTIN!
Koulutukseltaan Higgins, kaikkea muuta kuin minkään jamesbondin näköinen ja oloinen pullukka, on kirjanpitäjä.
Elliot väittää jenkkiläisessä feministilehdessä Huffington Postissa (mm. ”naisen orgasmi ihmiskunnan suurimpana terveysuhkana”) jou- tuneensa vahingossa näiden kysymysten pariin ”seurattuaan huvik- seen läppäriltä Syyrian sisällissodan rakettiliikennettä” ja ”21. elokuuta 2013 havaittuaan kaksi outoa rakettia, jotka eivät räjähtäneetkään” (mistä hän siis tiesi ne juuri raketeiksi?) putoavan Zamalkan kaupunkiin Damaskosta etelään.
Tämä Huffpon toimituksen harmittoman näköinen kanala osallistui, luultavasti aivan tietoisesti, Syyrian lasten provokaatioterrorikaasuttamiseen…
Seuraavana päivänä ”insinööri Muhammed al-Jazaeri” (nimi on sama kuin erään Saddamin-vastaista maihinnousua ajaneen päätoimittajan 10 vuotta aikaisemmin, tämän myöhemmän on kuitenkin sittemmin tarkennettu olleen tuolloin vain 17-vuotias) laittoi Youtubeen tietoja kyseisessä paikassa tapahtuneesta kaasuiskusta. Täältä saadaan ihan eri päivämäärä, 3. tammikuuta (2013?). Päivämäärät on ainakin jossa- kin asetettu jälkikäteen. Ilmeismiin samainen Muhammed al-Jazaeri siitemmin ”haavoittui al-Assadin kaasuiskussa Ghoutassa” (jollaista ei ollut!) marraskussa 21017:
” Cases of suffocations were found as Assad’s regime targeted eastern Ghouta with poisongas. Media workers Muhammed al-Jazaeri, Diaa al-Shami, Abdulmunim Issa and Mazen al-Shami were injured by the attack on 16 November 2017. Lieneekö suorastaan kuollutkin…? Vai olisko tämä ollutkin se vanha päätoimittaja?
Kukahan tuo Jokapaikan-Muhammed al-Jazaeri oikein todella on?
Mistä sellaisia ohjelmia saa, joilla läppärikauppias (?) seurasi reaaliai- kaisesti Syyrian rakenttiliikennettä? Oliko ohjelmassa jokin tekoäly, joka osoittaa raketit, ja keiden tutkista? Voisinko minä ladata sellaisen jostakin?
Varsinaiset asiantuntijat ja vastuuhenkilöt havaistivat hyvin pian iskut opposition ihmiskilpiin oppositon itsensä tekemiksi:
Ex-UK Ambassador: Assad wasn’t behind the chemical attack
UN’s Carla Del Ponte: 2013 chemical attack was done by Syrian rebels, not Assad
Bellincatin seuraava ”bravuuri” oli Ukrainassa alas ammutun HM17 matkustajakoneen ”todistaminen muka Venäjän armeijan ampumaksi Ukrainasta”. Ohjus oli kuitenkin Ukrainan omaisuutta, ja Bellingcatin animaatiovideoillaan kuljetta , ythtä ohjusta vajaa BUK_lavettinin oli ukrainalainen ja tapahtumahetkellä Ukrainen hallituksen puolella, lähellä kylläkin. (Ei ole mitenkään selvää, että ohjus olisi ammutu sieltä.)
We should be asking for answers about the Skripals and Bellingcat – and not just from Russia
Bellingcat has grown rather a lot beyond its shoestring origins. It has money – where from? It has been hiring staff. It has transatlantic connections. It has never, so far as I am aware, reached any conclusion that is inconvenient to the UK or US authorities
It is now more than seven months since assassins from Russia’s mili- tary intelligence service tried to kill a former double agent and his daughter with a nerve agent in Salisbury. Or did they? The only incont- rovertible fact in that assertion is the location, Salisbury. Pretty much everything else remains speculative.
The Skripal case has troubled me since the first news broke in March. It is not the improbability of what was reported to have happened – im- probable things are the stuff of news. It is rather the mixture of utter certainty, unsubstantiated claims and glaring information gaps that is so disconcerting, from the immediate rush by UK officials to blame the Russian state, to the way the main figures in this drama have simply vanished, and now to the contradictions that have gained blithe, and almost universal, acceptance.
When the Metropolitan Police showed the passports of two Russians they believed to be the assassins, they strongly hinted that the names on the documents were false. The invitation to establish their real names was taken up by investigative organisation Bellingcat, which has now – amid a blizzard of documentation, seductive reference to “open source” techniques, and not a little help from Russian whistleblowers – come up with what it says are their real identities.
One of them is Colonel Anatoly Chepiga; the other is a medically quali- fied agent called Alexander Mishkin, and both have received state honours from President Putin.
What’s so suspect about this, you may ask. Well, let’s start with Belling- cat, which has presented itself in the past as a microcosm of well-mea- ning and very British amateurishness, based in a Leicestershire bed- room, producing results that put the professional sleuths to shame. In fact, Bellingcat has grown rather a lot beyond its shoestring origins. It has money – where from? It has been hiring staff. It has transatlantic connections. It has never, so far as I am aware, reached any conclusion – whether on the downing of the Malaysian plane over eastern Ukraine, or chemical weapons use in Syria, or now, with the Skripals – that is in any way inconvenient to the UK or US authorities.
That need not cast doubt on its findings. But should the authenticity of the documents it cites not be subject, at very least, to the same scrutiny as might be applied to other evidence? And when, as this week, UK offi- cials say they do not “dispute” Bellingcat’s identification of Chepiga and Mishkin, does this not prompt a few questions about whether, say, our “agencies” reached the same conclusions long ago, but kept quiet, or why most of the UK’s media apparently find Bellingcat a more trust- worthy source than the UK intelligence services (possible answer:Iraq)? Might not the group’s good name be being used to get information into the public domain that officials do not want to vouch for? And, if so, would this be to inform, or to mislead?
What else do I find troubling? How about the UK and US focus on Rus- sian military intelligence, still referred to as the GRU? I don’t recall any specific Soviet or Russian agency being so clearly fingered in this way before. Accusations might have been levelled at the KGB – or its Rus- sian successor, the FSB – but this was usually in a generic, not specific, sense. Why the change?
It could be, of course, because the UK knows for certain that it was the GRU that targeted the Skripals. But it could equally be that officials simply assumed this because the GRU was Sergei Skripal’s agency, or because the GRU was already in the dock in the US for alleged involve- ment in hacking. Or it could be because it sounds much scarier than just saying “intelligence”, or even – though I concede this is unlikely – to make clear to Vladimir Putin that we are not blaming him, because the GRU was never “his” agency.
But there is a big contradiction here. On the one hand, the GRU is being presented as a bunch of duffers, whose decorated and highly qualified agents were booked into an east London dive, behaved badly, were de- terred by a bit of snow, abysmally failed in their mission, and now face the wrath of Putin. On the other hand, we are told that the GRU is the crème de la crème of state agencies, that Russia is mighty and malevolent and that we should be very, very afraid. Which is it?
Lastly, let’s consider the connections that the UK public is being encou- raged to make. Between the two Bellingcat identifications of Chepiga and Mishkin, a clutch of western states, including the UK and the US, came out with a coordinated condemnation of specific cases of Rus- sian cyber-espionage. One related to the chemical weapons watchdog, the OPCW, back in April; another to the World Anti-Doping Agency in Switzerland. All this was presented to the UK public at least in the context of the Skripal case.
But there is a broader and more obvious explanation for Russia’s “be- haviour” here – which is that, whether in sport or in matters of chemical weapons, the western allies have closed ranks to exclude Russia from information it is entitled to as a member of these international organi- sations. In such circumstances, wouldn’t you try to find out what was going on? Might you not also wonder why an apparent attack in an Eng- lish city was being treated not as a crime – so a police matter – but as “the first use of a chemical weapon in Europe since the Second World War”, which allowed it to be immediately shut behind the impenetrable wall that supposedly protects UK intelligence and state security?
And the point that troubles me. For all the “revelations” of recent days, we are no further forward in knowing what happened to the Skripals – or to Dawn Sturgess, who remains the only person to have died, or to her partner, Charlie Rowley, who has now, like the Skripals and Detec- tive Constable Nick Bailey, disappeared from the media. The two men caught on CCTV in Salisbury may indeed be GRU agents – though why the GRU would squander its brightest and best on such an apparently incompetently executed operation raises doubts. But no UK court would convict them of even attempted killing on the “evidence” that has so far been produced.
The CCTV footage from Salisbury has huge lacunae – though it is es- tablished that the cameras were working in Salisbury that day – and does not include any of the pair less than 500m from the Skripals’ house, nor any of the Skripals themselves. Why not? We still do not know where they were for most of that Sunday morning, who they might have met, or for what purpose, or precisely when the presumed attack occurred. Those are huge gaps.
Now, it is also true that Russia’s information machine has hardly co- vered itself in glory. Its response to at least some of the UK accusations have been weak or in dubious taste, to put it mildly. The RT interview (which was also broadcast on Russian domestic TV) seemed designed to make the Salisbury “tourists” a laughing stock. And Russia has not been as vocal as might perhaps have been expected in demanding consular access to Yulia Skripal, which might seem to cast doubt on its claims of innocence.
But the flaws in the way Russia has presented its case are not my prime concern. I am in the UK, a British citizen and a UK journalist, and I find the evidence and the explanations so far offered by our own side in what is becoming an all-out information war both deficient and scandalously short on credibility – and so, I suggest, should you. ”
ShamiWitness: When Bellingcat & Neocons Collaborated With The Most Influential ISIS Propagandist On Twitter
Mark Ames is the co-host of the Radio War Nerd podcast. Subscribe to Radio War Nerd on Patreon.
Who remembers @ShamiWitness? At the peak of ISIS’s power, @ShamiWitness stood out as the genocidal militia group’s “most in- fluential Twitter account” according to a Channel 4 exposé and a Kings College report. The @ShamiWitness account was followed by some two-thirds of foreign jihadis. But it went further than propogan- dizing Islamic State’s massacres and rapes: @Shamiwitness also actively recruited foreign jihadis and helped lead them through the ratlines in Turkey, into the ISIS killing fields in Syria and Iraq, as a George Washington University report revealed this year.
But I want to talk about the western “experts” in Washington and Lon- don who cozied up to @ShamiWitness — especially since all of them are still around,many of them bigger and more influential in our political discourse than ever. They’re the ones who built up @ShamiWitness’s social media capital, making his account so popular, and so effective, in recruiting ISIS murderers. Some of the best known Syria regime-change hustlers and “experts”— Eliot Higgins of Bellingcat and the Saudi-funded Atlantic Council; Charles Lister of the Saudi-funded Middle East Institute, former CNN “Syria expert” and Atlantic Council fellow Michael Weiss, all major figures promoting today’s RussiaGate hysteria—together helped transform the @ShamiWitness account from a cretinous troll into a credible “ISIS expert”. They validated and lent credibility to ShamiWitness as someone with deep, local insider knowledge, boosting ShamiWitness’s social capital their countless retweets, #FF’s, #Pt’s, and their numerous public interactions.
As it turned out, @ShamiWitness was a fake “Syria expert”. The millen- nial yuppie who ran the ShamiWitness account was as much an insider expert on ISIS as the western Syria hacks who boosted him. It wasn’t the “experts” like Bellingcat who unmasked ShamiWitness — quite the opposite, Bellingcat’s team played a major role in building him up as a credible expert. Rather, it was a Channel 4 report exposing ShamiWitness as a fake — but a very dark and dangerous fake, with very real world consequences. @ShamiWitness was run by a 24-year-old Indian marketing executive named Mehdi Masroor Biswas, who tweeted out ISIS and Syria “expertise” from his bachelor pad in Bangalore, India.
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Sulle on jo useaan kertaan linkitetty Almazin omat tiedotustilai- suudet, jossa esitellään eri buk-malli kesällä 2015 ja syksyllä 2015.
Heillä on siihen sitten ollut perusteita (joita kaikkia he eivät välttämättä ole kaikkia kertoneet):he ovat ehkä just tässä välissä varmistaneet JIT:in löytämät kolme perhossrapnellia koneen sisältä, ja he ovat myös saattaneet juuri tällä välin saada käsiinsä sen numerollisen ohjuksenpalasen ja tutkineet toimitusarkistoja. TÄMÄ EI SAATANA OIKEUTA LYKKÄÄMÄÄN AIVAN UFOLOGISTA DOSENTTIENPASKAA – JOTA EI SIELLÄ ”ALKUPERSEESSÄKÄÄN” VÄITETÄ ALMAZIN ANTAMAKSI!
Muutenkin kantava teoriasi vastustaa JIT:n tutkimustuloksia on, että kaikki on vää-rennetty: kapinallisten somepäivitykset, kaapatut puhelut, valokuvatut ohjuslavetit;
Nää on ainakin väärennetettyjä, ja nää on myös niitä Bellingcat kovin tuttuja ”IHMESATTUMUKSIA”: JUST SEN KERRAN KUN ”VENÄJÄN ARMEIJA KULJETTAA LAITTOMIA POISTETTUJA OHJUKSIA – TAR- KOIN JA NÄKYVÄSTI MERKITYISSÄ KOTELOISSA (joista todellisuudessa ei varman päälle tiedä, mitä siellä oli – vaikka olisi ollut votkaa…) SATTUU PEILLNKISSA VIDEOMIES / NAINEN PAIKALLE…,
Jos HERVANTAAN YÖN PIMEYDESSÄ SATTUMALTA OSUISI JOKIN HAR- HAUTUNUT KAASUOHJUS, olisi absoluttinen mahdottomuus, että minä oli- sin paikalla (enkä kuolisi heti valmistautumattomana), ja EDES YMMÄRTÄISIN TILANTEESTA HÖLKÄHTÄVÄN PÖLÄHTÄVÄÄ, ENNEN KUIN SE ON ARMOTTA OHI, vaikka kuinka olisi kännykkää taskussa videokuvausvalmiina vaikka jonkin elukkaswown tai murtovarkaiden tai katuväkivallan takia!
lennonjohto ohjasi MH-17 sivuun ja Ukraina ampui sen tarkoi- tuksella alas. JA MIKSI? Siksi, että saisivat aikaan provokaation. Ja mukana on ainakin Ukraina, Hollanti ja Nato + muut JIT:n jäsnet toki vielä hväksyvät tämän kattavan salaliiton.
Näitäkään ei voi ehdottomasti kokonaan sulkea pois: juuri tuollaista TEHTIIN SYYRIASSA PELLINPASKAN OLLESSA ”AVAINROOLISSA”!!!
PELLINPASKA EI OLISI LAINKAAN KÄRYNNYT SYYRIASTA LAAJAS- SA JULKISUUDESSA (YK:lle kylläkin… koska siellä ilnmeisti tunnistettiin se kaasu), jos se ei olsi ruvennut vouhkaamaan myös näissä muissa kysymyksissä. Sen olisi pitänyt ainakin vaihtaa naamat asemamaa. Mutta kun ei.
Tuo teoria kaikkineen häviää noin 0-100 sille valtavalle todistus-aineistoille, jonka JIT on keränyt originaalilähteistä (ei netistä tai Bellincatilta) ja rikosteknisin menetelmin vahvistanut oikeaksi.
Siinä ”todistuaineistössa” EI OLE MITÄÄN PROTIA ainakaan sellaisena, kuin esimerkiksi Kannala sitä on esitellyt.
Itse lopetan nyt kanssasi vääntämisen, kun et kykene mihin- kään normaaliin väit-telyyn asia-argumenteista. Otahan lääkkeesi ja palataan asiaan, kun jotain uutta aiheesta ilmenee.
Sää oot asiasta täysin kuutamolla. ”
‘Suck my balls’: NATO-funded blogger Eliot Higgins checkmates critics with watertight argument
Published time: 13 Jun, 2018 14:23 Edited time: 14 Jun, 2018 09:15